Archive for July, 2009

The Doctor is In: Now, Get Out and Draw!

In The Doctor is In, Allan “Doc” Dorison operates on a specific part of popular culture.  This week he sends a field report on the Sequential Art Collective’s recent Get Out and Draw event.

Sunday June 28th was the second Sequential Art Collective “Get Out and Draw” event in New York.  This time, we gathered at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  After weeks of rain, it was finally a beautiful day in Manhattan and we chose to start off on the roof garden, where it was blistering hot!!!

al ken

The focus of the first sketch was layers. We used a Roxy Paine sculpture entitled “Maelstrom” as the front layer.


ken sketch

The people standing behind the statue became the second layer and the buildings behind them the third, etc… After about 20 minutes on the roof we needed to flee the heat. We hit the new cafeteria for drinks and snacks… $3.75 for a bottle of water? I guess that’s what you get for high art.

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Die By the Pen: I Failed at Heavy Metal

In Die By the Pen, Jared Gniewek discusses what feeds his fires as an author of comics, screenplays and radio dramas.

Rochester (26)

I failed at heavy metal.  I did.   And before you pat my shoulder and tell me “no no, you were great” — let me clarify. I succeeded in performing heavy metal to my standards. I think the old Snaggletooth put on a pretty good show. I succeeded in composing heavy metal. I liked my songs. They were the types of songs that I liked hearing (a touch more vulgar than I would perhaps prefer nowadays but good just the same).  I also succeeded at living a heavy metal lifestyle.  I think I looked the part…still do if you believe the picture above and I can still throw back whiskeys with the best of ’em…for a little while at least and then it’s cab time.

But just the same, I failed at it. It’s true. I know I did it. I never toured, only played a handful of shows outside of Rochester,  stopped writing songs for the last couple years of the band,  never got much radio or label interest.  Off the stage, I never really gave it my all.

I’m sure you’ve never heard of the band. But it wasn’t for lack of wanting. It was for lack of pushing and then settling. Settling on being a local band and being content to stay there. This was how I failed. Through lack of vision and hope.

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