Author Archive

Hippasus Gurgles: Meta Sequential Art: Infinite Sequences

In my previous installment, I attempted to establish that mathematics is a sequential art. I think it’s already time to get meta: sequential art about sequences.

All of the works you think of when referring to “sequential art” deal with finite sequences. At some point, the panels stop and the comic ends. Let’s talk a little about the loss of intuition, vague sense of the world spinning, and loss of appetite that comes with infinite sequences.
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Hippasus Gurgles: Math, Sequence, Narrative

On alternating Fridays, Michael Carlisle examines the world “outside” sequential art to find… more sequential art. Expect mathematics, a bit of madness, and a dash of pessimistic optimism.

by Michael Carlisle

Hi. My name is Mike, and currently I’m an academic.

(“Hi, Mike!”)

Some day I hope to get out with a Ph.D.

In mathematics.

Already you’re wondering, why is this guy here?

I want to share an idea with you. What are the sequential arts? These are, in the McCloudian sense,


Yes, there’s argument about this definition. However, I’m a mathematician, and so I, like the esteemed Mr. McCloud, like to start with understandable (and general) definitions.

I will now proceed to give a most unmathematical argument.1
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