Archive for the ‘ Click, Click, Click ’ Category

Click, Click, Click #1: Thanksgiving Specials: Feed Us Until Christmas

Mr. C has decided to grace us with 30 festive frames per second of animated (and puppetized) Christmas cheer.

The American cultural-commercial force known as “Christmastime” now begins its mobilization on November 1. One can’t even wipe the grease paint from one’s face the morning after Halloween revelry without being blindsided by large containers full of cheap decorative holiday trinkets, either at a grocery or convenience store, or personal storage [argh].

Wasn’t there a holiday in between the darkness and the lights? Something more American-oriented than demons and barn-staged virgin births?

Oh, right, the thing with the dead turkeys.

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Up in the Studio, Click, Click, Click

We’ve all been quite busy lately. Mr. Murray is working studiously in sunny Pennsylvania; Mr. Dorison recently got married and has his own (NSFW) comic; Mr. M resides far away from us in the precipituousness of Seattle, with a comic of his own; Ms. Babcock and I are both wrestling with the demons of not-too-far-off Ph.D.dom (and she her comic as well); Ms. Schnelbach is furious on her own work, novel, and future plans; and Mr. Gniewek is telling tall tales in other locales at the moment, as well as gearing up for a big move of his own.

Regardless, I feel the need to poke my head around here once more, albeit in a different capacity. Inspired by the illustrious Raina Telgemeier, of Smile, X-Men: Misfits, Comics Bakery, and All-Around Awesome Person, I’ve decided to revive the stagnant SAC Blog to prime myself for the joys of the fantabulous funitude of the “holiday” season. The Telgemeister1 mentioned on some-or-another social networking site that she is the proud owner of many, many animated Christmas specials. As I do not believe I’ll be viewing many specials this year (due mainly to a drastic uptick in the ratio of work needed to finish my dissertation vs. time left to do so) I feel the need to at least talk about them.2

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