Archive for the ‘ Ramblings of a Fanboy ’ Category

Ramblings of a Fanboy: First Tastes

On alternating Thursdays, Lee French looks at modern fandom through the lens of his own behavior and obsessions.

by Lee French

I have been a fan of superheroes for as long as I can remember. Although some of my earliest memories are vague, there are a few vivid standouts. Among them are Superman and Batman, both of which I was first introduced to through television and movies before I came to appreciate the characters in their native media of comic books. I remember seeing an episode or two of the ’60s Batman show when I was very young, maybe three, but it honestly did not leave a lasting impression on me back then, even though my first ever action figure was a Super-Powers Robin (with Karate-Chop action!). Instead the nearly omnipotent alien had a monopoly on my attention, and it would be years before I became fixated on the Dark Knight.
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Hippasus Gurgles: Math, Sequence, Narrative

On alternating Fridays, Michael Carlisle examines the world “outside” sequential art to find… more sequential art. Expect mathematics, a bit of madness, and a dash of pessimistic optimism.

by Michael Carlisle

Hi. My name is Mike, and currently I’m an academic.

(“Hi, Mike!”)

Some day I hope to get out with a Ph.D.

In mathematics.

Already you’re wondering, why is this guy here?

I want to share an idea with you. What are the sequential arts? These are, in the McCloudian sense,


Yes, there’s argument about this definition. However, I’m a mathematician, and so I, like the esteemed Mr. McCloud, like to start with understandable (and general) definitions.

I will now proceed to give a most unmathematical argument.1
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