Posts Tagged ‘ comic

The Doctor is In: Webcomics Not the Future

On alternating Tuesdays, Allan “Doc” Dorison operates on a specific part of popular culture.

by Allan Dorison

Considering the title of this essay, I feel like I have to defend myself before I can even begin.

First off, I’m a huge technology nerd. My first computer was an Amiga. I remember being the first person on my block to have Prodigy (a precursor to AOL). While hanging out at Rutgers I used to spend all night on the boards – way before chat rooms were a common way of life. Technology is a huge part of my day-to-day existence. As an audio/visual manager for an investment bank, I’ve seen the best and worst of what tech has to offer. In my apartment, I have almost totally done away with hard media. For movies, I watch streaming video. For music, iTunes. But, I still buy and fill my shelves with printed comic books. If I’m such a techie then why do I feel such an aversion to webcomics?

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Strip Search: Garfield Minus Garfield

On alternating Thursdays, Jennifer M. Babcock reviews and recommends comic strips available in print and on the web.

by Jennifer M. Babcock

I wasn’t sure what to write about for my first blog, other than I wanted to do something either about syndicated comic strips or web comics. After some thinking I decided I was going to write about a comic that relates to both: “Garfield Minus Garfield,” a web comic that is a new feature on, a site run by uclick, which is a part of Universal Press Syndicate (and where my comic, “C’est la Vie,” also happens to be featured!)

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Mr. M’s Alphabet of the Arcane!: The Letter A

On alternating Tuesdays, Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art.  (All images copyright their respective owners and creators.)

by Justin Maudslien

Tremble in fear, mortals, for the first posting of Mr. M’s Alphabet of the Arcane is here.

Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter “A,” which stands for alcohol – specifically alcohol in comics.  I really enjoy this subject because I’m a bartender who reads comics, so I might be slightly biased.  Mwuhahahaha!

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