Ramblings of a Fanboy: First Tastes

On alternating Thursdays, Lee French looks at modern fandom through the lens of his own behavior and obsessions.

by Lee French

I have been a fan of superheroes for as long as I can remember. Although some of my earliest memories are vague, there are a few vivid standouts. Among them are Superman and Batman, both of which I was first introduced to through television and movies before I came to appreciate the characters in their native media of comic books. I remember seeing an episode or two of the ’60s Batman show when I was very young, maybe three, but it honestly did not leave a lasting impression on me back then, even though my first ever action figure was a Super-Powers Robin (with Karate-Chop action!). Instead the nearly omnipotent alien had a monopoly on my attention, and it would be years before I became fixated on the Dark Knight.
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Die by the Pen: Now Pitching for the Wood Goblins…

Every Wednesday, Jared Gniewek discusses what feeds his fires as an author of comics, screenplays and radio dramas.

by Jared Gniewek


I’ve talked to quite a few other writers who are struggling along with me as we attempt to grow as creators. The thing that we often are looking for is advice on the pitch. I’m not a total expert on this. I’ve taken a few classes and sold a handful of stories. But I keep pitch books, so I guess I can share what I’ve learned from having these little buddies.

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The Doctor is In: Webcomics Not the Future

On alternating Tuesdays, Allan “Doc” Dorison operates on a specific part of popular culture.

by Allan Dorison

Considering the title of this essay, I feel like I have to defend myself before I can even begin.

First off, I’m a huge technology nerd. My first computer was an Amiga. I remember being the first person on my block to have Prodigy (a precursor to AOL). While hanging out at Rutgers I used to spend all night on the boards – way before chat rooms were a common way of life. Technology is a huge part of my day-to-day existence. As an audio/visual manager for an investment bank, I’ve seen the best and worst of what tech has to offer. In my apartment, I have almost totally done away with hard media. For movies, I watch streaming video. For music, iTunes. But, I still buy and fill my shelves with printed comic books. If I’m such a techie then why do I feel such an aversion to webcomics?

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Monday Media Madness: Just How Fabulous Were Those Secret Powers?

Every Monday, Matt. Murray reviews, revisits and rambles about comics, cartoons and their interactions in and with related media.

by Matt. Murray

My one big, exciting purchase at this year’s New York Comic Con was the “Exclusive” Faker figure from Mattel’s Master’s of the Universe Classics line.

Faker and Me

(For the uninitiated, Faker, aka Faker I, was a robotic clone of He-Man used by Skeletor to carry out nefarious schemes.)

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Hippasus Gurgles: Math, Sequence, Narrative

On alternating Fridays, Michael Carlisle examines the world “outside” sequential art to find… more sequential art. Expect mathematics, a bit of madness, and a dash of pessimistic optimism.

by Michael Carlisle

Hi. My name is Mike, and currently I’m an academic.

(“Hi, Mike!”)

Some day I hope to get out with a Ph.D.

In mathematics.

Already you’re wondering, why is this guy here?

I want to share an idea with you. What are the sequential arts? These are, in the McCloudian sense,


Yes, there’s argument about this definition. However, I’m a mathematician, and so I, like the esteemed Mr. McCloud, like to start with understandable (and general) definitions.

I will now proceed to give a most unmathematical argument.1
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