Posts Tagged ‘ comics

Alphabet of the Arcane: The Letter G

The Doctor is out on a call.  Luckily Mr. M. had his next letter of his arcane alphabet ready to roll…

On alternating Tuesdays, Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art.

It’s that time of year again, spring is sprung, and in honor of that, this letter G could stand for many things: G-string, the G-spot, or God, a special Easter edition. No, this blog will be my rant, as I hammer out my complaints against “The Glut.”

Today the G stands for the infamous comic book gluts put out in order to sell a few extra copies. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for capitalism and making an extra buck if you can, but there comes a point when the market cannot hold any more issues for a certain character or crossover event. It is true that there is too much of a good thing, and comics are no exception.

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Mind in the Gutter: Origins

On alternating Fridays, Leah Schnelbach waxes rhapsodic about comics, education, religion, and postmodernity. David Foster Wallace would be proud.

Okay, so it’s been a busy week, so this is going to be a short one – the obligatory comics geek origin story. (I’m fine with the term “geek”, btw, my friends and I wore the term as a badge of honor just slightly before it was cool – and anything was better than “nerd” – so I’m kind of attached to it.)

I’m 15. My best girlfriend keeps talking about this writer she’s heard of, Neil Diamond or something.

I’m like, “Neil Diamond writes comics?”

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