Posts Tagged ‘ food

Die By The Pen: World Building

Every Wednesday, Jared Gniewek discusses what feeds his fires as an author of comics, screenplays and radio dramas.

Okay, kids. It’s party time. On Monday, I started digging into the settings of stories. I explained the concept of the “Story Bible” and how it can apply to a work. I referenced Watership Down again. Now I’m going to explain how one would go about building a world…if that’s your sort of thing.

World Building exercises help a writer to more fully envision the setting into which he has plugged his characters (which by now should have been mapped in relation to each other as per Monday’s DBTP). Even if every detail you develop doesn’t make it onto the page, it’s important that you, as a writer, have a holistic world view. Here are three areas which merit special attention. I hope you are able to use them, or at least that they give you a little something to think and expand upon.

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