Posts Tagged ‘ life

Strip Search: My Comic Does Not Equal My Life

Jennifer M. Babcock reviews and recommends comic strips available in print and on the web.

Well, I’m back from Egypt. It was such a wonderful trip and I have a lot more to say about Ancient Egyptian narrative vis a vis comics but I want to wait for another time- like when I get my dissertation proposal passed and when I’m less jet lagged.

Anyway, instead of writing a blog that requires too much thinking and analysis I’m going to talk about all the weird questions and comments I get from my friends and family about my comic, “C’est la Vie.”

I’m not sure if other creators feel the same way as I do but I get really uncomfortable when family and friends talk to me about my comic. I think it’s because they like to read into my characters and my storylines to actively try to find parallels in my real life. For instance, sometimes a friend/family member will ask me “Is so-and-so based on you? Is (s)he based on this other person?”

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