Posts Tagged ‘ london

Die by the Pen: An American Nerd in London

Every Wednesday, Jared Gniewek discusses what feeds his fires as an author of comics, screenplays and radio dramas.

by Jared Gniewek


So you’re planning your big vacation overseas and you can’t wait to see all that England has to offer the discerning world traveler. You’ve booked your tickets for The Mousetrap and purchased your poncho for the rain during your open-top bus tour. You’ve read the guide books and even figured out where Watership Down is. Only one question remains though… What about the comics? How are the shops in London? And is there an arts institution over there that simultaneously informs one of the publishing history of UK comics, a history of the medium itself, and showcases a national treasure of a cartoonist?

Having recently returned from just such a trip, I have answers.

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