Posts Tagged ‘ tarot

Hippasus Gurgles: We are the Pattern-Makers, and We are the Dreamers of Dreams

Michael Carlisle examines the world “outside” sequential art to find… more sequential art.

I was reading the J.J. Abrams-edited issue of this month’s Wired magazine.

Wired 17.05 cover image
The cover of the Wired article is a reference to J.J. Abrams’ “mystery box”, that he refers to in his TED talk from 2007.

It simultaneously thrilled and depressed the hell out of me.

I know there are many puzzles embedded within; all one needs is time to unravel them.

Time is precisely one of the things I don’t have right now. I am still embarked on my long journey to take some existing logical sequences, change many of them in some slight way, reorder them a bit so a new logical sequence takes shape, and publish the results.

This takes a long time.

So there’s been a lot of studying, a lot of putting things “in the right order” so it all “makes sense”, whatever that means.

Sometimes I just like to see some things “out of order” (again, whatever that means).

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