Posts Tagged ‘ women in comics

Strip Search: This Time It’s Personal

Normally in Strip Search, Jennifer M. Babcock reviews and recommends comic strips available in print and on the web. This week she shares her own experiences as a woman cartoonist.

As you all probably know by now, I am a comics creator. I also happen to be a woman. Being a woman in the comics industry is a lonely, tough ride. There just aren’t that many of us out there and I often feel outside of what often seems to be a “boy’s club.”

Before you start accusing me of being “emo” or “PMSing,” let me explain…

Comic cons are always a problem for me- especially since I’m a heterosexual female who doesn’t cosplay. I often feel like I have to carefully select an outfit that will make me as gender ambiguous as possible. I usually opt for pants and a button down with a bangin’ tie- let’s also not forget my plastic rimmed glasses (I have to make it clear that I’m a nerd and am there on my own free will – not dragged by my boyfriend):


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