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Alphabet of the Arcane: The Letter D

Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art.

The letter D could stand for many things: “comic book deaths,” “The lost art of 3-D comics,” “The Double D’s of comics,” … but today it stands for the showdown of the two most badass villains in comic book history: Darth Vader and The Demon of Deutschland, the Dork of D-Day, Adolf Hitler.

Most would probably guess the Joker or Dr. Doom, but no. The two most badass villains are Darth Vader and Adolf Hitler. “What!?” you may be screaming, but hear me out.

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Mr. M’s Alphabet of the Arcane!: The Letter B

On alternating Tuesdays, Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art.

by Justin Maudslien

Greetings, oh seekers of the sooth…

Henry Ford once said “History is Bunk.” I respectfully disagree, history is another bodacious “B” – booty. That’s right, history is nothing but a chronological list of who wants booty… who needs booty… and who is getting booty.

What is this booty you ask? Let’s ask the Beastie Boys:

“Yo professor, what’s another name for buried treasure? I think it’s booty… boo… boo… booty.”

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Alphabet of the Arcane: The Letter C

On alternating Tuesdays, Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art. (All images copyright their respective owners and creators.)

by Justin Maudslien

Be silent, mortals, for the great and powerful Mr. M speaks… and I speak of the “C” word.

Some say “C” is for cookie, but that is not good enough for me.  Today, “C” stands for con, as in comic convention.  New York Comic Con has just passed, and the traditional “Con Season” is quickly approaching, but just as it is always five o’clock somewhere: someone, somewhere is planning a con as I type and you read.

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Mr. M’s Alphabet of the Arcane!: The Letter A

On alternating Tuesdays, Justin Maudslien, aka Sub-Human’s Mr. M., explores weird and little known factoids and shares his skewed observations about the world of comics, cartoons and sequential art.  (All images copyright their respective owners and creators.)

by Justin Maudslien

Tremble in fear, mortals, for the first posting of Mr. M’s Alphabet of the Arcane is here.

Today’s blog is brought to you by the letter “A,” which stands for alcohol – specifically alcohol in comics.  I really enjoy this subject because I’m a bartender who reads comics, so I might be slightly biased.  Mwuhahahaha!

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